Top 20 NuGet webforms Packages
Dependency Injection in "Classic" ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET-hosted WCF using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
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The BolgerUtils icon is attributed to Bernadette O'Keefe:
Dependency Injection in "Classic" ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET-hosted WCF using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
Dependency Injection in "Classic" ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, and ASP.NET-hosted WCF using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine.
Two updated *.browser files for >IE10 and >FF5 on ASP.NET 4
A Web Forms control for Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
Data Dource Control That Uses DbContext as Storage, Overrides LinqDataSource
Enhances the Narvalo.Mvp package with support for ASP.NET WebForms.
Samples are available on the project web site.
This package provides localization support for CodeTorch web apps
A very simple ASP.NET Pager Control to be used with WebForms. Check the Demo at
The future of WebForms is here!!
BugGuardian.WebForms is the official WebForms extension for BugGuardian.
BugGuardian is a library, written in C# and targeting NetStandard 1.1, that allows to easily create a Bug or Task work item on your Visual Studio Team Services account or on your on-premises Team Foundation Server in...
SharpJS is an open-source framework that compiles C# code into HTML and JavaScript to run anywhere. ExaPhaser.WebForms, the UI framework of SharpJS comes with support for multiple well-known CSS frameworks to give your applications an elegant style out-of the box. It also has managed wrapper classes...
A library for unit testing ASP.Net routing tables for WebForms
Custom ASP.Net WebControl to render MVC actions within an ASP.Net WebForms page.
TempData support for ASP.Net WebForms
ASP.NET WebForms adapter for SimpleInjector and .NET Framework 4.7.2 introduction of dependency injection. Based on MIT licensed code for Unity adapter found at