Top 20 NuGet web Packages

Allows you to create a bootstrapper for an msi file in one line, simply by specifying the required .Net version
Tool.Net-逆血著作 (本产品完全免费), 由逆血本人持有:联系方式-QQ群:857401501, 有任何优化建议,请联系作者,作者很愿意讨论和学习。 Email:[email protected]
A dotnet-new template for Falco web applications.
This .NET Standard package provides convenient access to the Local API REST interface of the Kameleo Client.
Extensions for the Leeax.Web.Builders package.
Provides functionality which is often required for the web.
JWTs is a simple library for generating and validating JWT tokens and Refresh Tokens. Refresh Tokens are dependent on a database / memory cache and an interface for a simple DAL for storing refresh tokens is included. JWTs can be generated with custom claims, and a DAL is only required when issuing ...
Date and Time Pickers for Blazor Server Projects
Date and Time Pickers for Blazor WebAssembly Projects
WebApi implementation of the health check endpoints for reporting the health of app infrastructure components.
Abstractions of DDD Domain Model shared-contract, so consumers like a mobile app can construct their own DTO objects based on same core properties.
Abstractions of DDD Domain Model shared-contract, so consumers like a mobile app can construct their own DTO objects based on same core properties.
View helpers for Cassette.
Core functionality for AttributeRouting Web API packages.
Bootstrap Multiselect is a JQuery based plugin to provide an intuitive user interface for using select inputs with the multiple attribute present. Instead of a select a bootstrap button will be shown as dropdown menu containing the single options as checkboxes.
HttpListener for .NET Core (NETStandard) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
A micro web framework written out of curiosity in .NET, inspired by Ruby's Sinatra.