Top 20 NuGet visualbasic Packages

Utility to convert ruleset files to equivalent .editorconfig files. Editorconfig files are respected by C# and VB compilers on VS2019 16.3 or later. See for details.
.NET Compilers Toolset Package. Referencing this package will cause the project to be built using the C# and Visual Basic compilers contained in the package, as opposed to the version installed with MSBuild. This package is primarily intended as a method for rapidly shipping hotfixes to...
Some automation tools, include SAP common opreation
Provides shim objects for Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices, so you can derive your own My.Application instance from ApplicationBase or ConsoleApplicationBase class.
Provides shim objects for Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices, so you can derive your own My.Computer instance from Computer class.
Test FB Upload
Instagram bot
Blank Library
A library of reusable components for navigating and using the GitHub website and API.
Lib for FB Photo upload
Hari instagram bot
Check if the folder exists or not, if yes, check if there are files in that folder or not
Check if the folder exists or not, if yes, check if there are files in that folder or not