Top 20 NuGet viewmodel Packages

MVVM FX is a framework for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Data binding, Command binding and DependencyObject/DependencyProperty for Wisej.
WPF implementation of the platform-independent abstractions defined in the softaware.ViewPort library.
UWP implementation of the platform-independent abstractions defined in the softaware.ViewPort library.
Mocks for Sample Applications With Xamarin.Forms
ViewModel-first mvvm framework for Xamarin.Forms. Lightweight, it adapts Xamarin's existing mvvm engine.
Helper for auto implementing the NinjaMvvm.Xam dependencies using Unity
A super light-weight view model locator for Xamarin.Forms applications
A set of libraries to speed up building web apps using MVC development stack.
WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features
Framework enable repositary pattern over Entity Framework
Framework enable common patterns for working with models: repositary, model/viewmodel binding
Membership API using AV.WebPlatform framework
Automatically maps your settings entity model to Windows Local Settings storage.
Digillect Model-View-ViewModel Framework
Create view models for Mvc3 by placing attributes on your existing domain models.
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
Utility methods for unit testing model validation in ASP.NET MVC. Enables you to execute validation on a model object from a unit test. This way you can test if your validation annotations are working properly, for example. Also allows you to perform validation of a (view)model against ...
A DuoCode Binding for the Knockout.BindingConventions library
MyHerbalife Bizworks Models Package
Provides core functionality for WPF applications.