Top 20 NuGet video Packages

A convenient way to control inputs when using EmguCV
A set of VL nodes for the multimedia framework GStreamer
.Net wrapper for media encoders such as FFmpeg, X264 and X265, including Avisynth and VapourSynth support.
Easy to access the Vimeo and YouTube APIs. Authenticate, upload videos, and call other API endpoints easily with RedCorners.Video
Take or pick photos and videos from a cross platform API.
Library (x86, x64) for getting video frames
Orbbec Astra for vvvv
MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio, video, and data real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience. This package contains the C# and native C++ libraries (x86, x64, ARM) for UWP (Universal...