Top 20 NuGet versioning Packages

This project was created with the intention of versioning and configure a WebAPI in ASP.NET using the Swagger (Swashbuckle.AspNetCore) using ASP.NET Core 3.1
Adds Swagger support to Inicio.AspNetCore.Versioning.
Simple route-based API versioning library for Microsoft ASP.NET Core using action contraints. Individual controllers and/or methods can be versioned and automatically matched to multiple API versions using a min/max version number strategy.
Exposes the following information for use directly from C# and VB: The generated code contains only constants, so it can be used to construct your own assembly/file version attributes: [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.0." + ThisAssembly.BuildEnv.BuildId] Inspired and best used with GitInf...
VersionIt is for automatically generating versions and changelog based on conventional commits.
This tool generates your public API to a file. You can use this in approval style tests or for documentation.
git-flow-version creates predictable and opinionated SemVer 2.0.0 version numbers for git flow repositories.
Package Description
Package Description
Reads the Git Version Information from the assembly. Falls back to assembly version, if it doesn't exist
Charted Code C# Standards ruleset (using Roslynator analyzers) and a git versioning helper.
Compare .NET assembly versions for differences
GmodNET.VersionTool command-line tool. Run as `dotnet gmodnet-vt`.