Top 20 NuGet vault Packages

An UmbracoVault extension library for the Archetype data type. Allows for Archetype properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the MultiUrlPicker data type. Allows for Multi Url Picker properties to be deserialized to strongly typed models.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the nuPickers data types. Allows for deserializing the Picker data and auto converting picked values to enums.
An UmbracoVault extension library for the native Umbraco data type. Allows for deserializing data types to strongly typed models.
Azure Key vault helper.Please Configure ClientId, ClientSecret and KeyVaultUrl as keys in appsettings with valid values.
Azure Key Vault implementation of ITokenSigningService for IdentityServer4
Companion assemblies for Environment Vault
DotNet Core Libraries for Docker Kubernetes development including Machine Learning ML.NET.
Sealbreaker is a NuGet pacakage you can use to fetch your secrets or decrypt and encrypt your data with keys from the Azure Key Vault by using System Assigned Identity.
An IConfigurationBuilder for HashiCorp vault
Azure Key Vault binding for Azure Functions
Azure Key Vault extension for Azure Functions
A .NET Standard library for using DevOps Secrets Vault
A simple Ansible Vault implementation for .net core
Provides a default implementation of a string replacement service that replaces keys with values and an implementation of a key replacement service that abstracts Azure Key Vault
Configuration provider implementation to use with Hashicorp Vault.
A .NET client library for using HashiCorp's Vault server.
.NET Core configuration provider for HashiCorp Vault
.NET API for interacting with operating system secure credential storage systems such as Windows Credential Manager, or macOS Keychain.