Top 20 NuGet user Packages

Classes to authenticate and communicate with the Instagram API. It also contains container classes which transform the JSON responses of the endpoints into objects.
C# library for scraping reviews and info including cast and credits of movies, albums and tv shows from Metacritic website
C# Port of Gecco, written originally in swift from
Site Extension to perform maintenance on ASP.NET User Authentication, Authorization, and Membership.
Provide Mongo database store for ServerSideAnalytics
This library provides simple ui controls for wpf.
SqlServer storage for ServerSideAnalytics
SqLite store for ServerSideAnalytics
Provides an extension for PrincipalContext to impersonate a user.
Provides ASP.NET Identity and EntityFrameworkCore implementation for DevAccelerate Identity.
Download User specific data like, Security Roles, Teams they belongs and Business Unit in an XML format, which is used to upload or update the user information on Target Environment
A very simple and straightforward way of working with user and application settings in .NET using JSON format
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
Media protector prevent users from performing certain action for a selection of media node. Actions such as saving, moving, trashing, or deleting.