Top 20 NuGet unittesting Packages
A tiny library for accessing object's private properties, field and methods using dynamically built proxies
This is a custom version, tailored for Testeroids which includes pending pull-requests on moq's official repository. Moq : The simplest mocking library for .NET 3.5/4.0 and Silverlight with deep C# 3.0 integration.
A few extenstion methods and helper methods to facilitate Unit Testing.
Simple verification Moq-like library for Microsoft Fakes.
Some simple utilities for unit testing in .Net
Scaffold code generator for generating wrapper class to any existing non-testable classes such static classes and .Net libraries like System.IO. Very useful for doing TDD and decoupling dependencies to 3rd party libraries.
Usage: On Package Manager Console type the following command:
Set of classes that let you fluently configure Web API controllers for the purpose of unit testing
Adds mocking capabilities to the LightInject service container.
A micro-framework for unit testing class and type declarations.
Prig(PRototyping jIG) is a framework that generates a Test Double like Microsoft Fakes/Typemock Isolator/Telerik JustMock based on Unmanaged Profiler APIs. This framework enables that any methods are replaced with mocks. For example, a static property, a private method, a non-virtual member and so o...
A bdd framework to test your code.
Support for unit testing of libraries based on the re-linq Frontend.
A small collection of utilities for use with unit testing.
PrivateAccessors- instantiate using non-public constructors, access non-public members, and invoke non-public methods.
Use with caution: using private accessors is not intended to be a preferred tool for unit testing,...
DotGoodies.Testing.ApplicationConfiguration provides a programmatic way to change the values stored in application configuration section of a app.config file.
An integration or unit test can use it during setting the SUT up.
Hyperbolic Solutions simple mocking framework for unit testing
Valitru (Validation+Unit+Rule) is a basic framework created to do rule based validation.
The base library for all BigEgg's unit testing projects.
This package facilitates the running of MSTest tests through Dnx.
Supported Runtime: 1.0.0-rc1-final
Chet is a simple, minimal, mocking framework for .NET Core 2.0.
Custom Testing Framework Visual Studio Adapter made for education purposes