Top 20 NuGet unitofwork Packages

Enterlib.NETis library that can be usefull for developing back-end applications. It was initially designed as the back-end support forandroid applications builtwith Enterlib Android, another member of the Enterlib suite.Enterlib.NETprovides several advantages byusing a SOLID component's architecture...
UnitOfWorkCore configuration and filters for ASP.NET Core
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
Customizable Razor templates for URF for .NET Core Web API controllers.
The repository and unit of work patterns are intended to create an abstraction layer between the data access layer and the business logic layer of an application. Implementing these patterns can help insulate your application from changes in the data store and can facilitate automated unit testing o...
This provides services to handle Client/Server synchronization and conflict resolution.
This provides a client side implementation of EntityFramework using versionned entities and tracking changes
This provides server side implementations of data access services for API use. It also provides an abstraction to API controllers which encapsulate base services, conflict management and regirstration to the IoC.
Interfaces for generic repository and generic unit of work patterns
Interfaces for generic repository and generic unit of work patterns
Visual Studio solution template for Web Api .NET Core 2.2 solutions. This VS extension should provide you with a an effective and quick start for your .NET Core API journey and save you many hours of exploring the Web for an optimal solution. Added T4 templates to save time creating Domain, Service,...
UnitOfWork, Repository pattern implementation for ASP.NET Core data accesss layer.
Provides implementation for Data Access with EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer. It provides implementation for IRepository<T> and DbContext. It also provides extension methods for IServiceCollection to easily adding types to .NET Core DependencyInjection. Is also supports using multiple DbContexts withi...
KSG.Contract Is Core of Framework fro web application
Combines the power of raw SQL with the convenience of an ORM
This package contains entity framework core base entity type configuration for MsSql, MySql, PostgreSql.