Top 20 NuGet unit-testing Packages

A minimalistic .NET library for testing with mocks.
JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) available on any Windows machine. JSTest.NET enables JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET is fo...
Crawler-Lib Concurrency Testing allows to write unit tests with multiple threads to test the concurrency behavior of components. It has synchronization mechanisms to control the workflow of the threads and to record the execution steps. It is also possible to use it for client/server tests. ...
NSpectator`s Selenium toolset is a ready-to-use PageObjects for pragmatic development of browser automation and Web user interface acceptance tests and verification. Enjoy using fluent configuration, sessions and page objects to write tests as fast as you think it should works!
Library for testing via beTested platform
A collection of utilities designed to impove the creation process of UnitTesting for AspNetCore applications.
A collection of utilities designed to impove the creation process of UnitTesting for .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications.
ExcelDna.Abstractions is a library that abstracts Excel-DNA classes such as `ExcelDnaUtil`, `ExcelAsyncUtil`, and many other classes so you can easily mock them and write unit tests against your Excel add-ins built with Excel-DNA.
Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing when using ServiceStack versions 3.9.*.
A bit more extension methods based on FluentAssertions that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a xTDD test or specification.
A simple async/await, unit-test friendly timer implementation
A collection of utilities designed to impove the unit-testability or speed development of AspNetCore development projects.
JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) available on any Windows machine. JSTest.NET enables JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET is fo...
One assert to rule them all
NSpectator is a ready-to-use solution for development using .NET with Context/Specification flavor. Toolset is intended to be used to drive development through specifying behavior and interaction at the unit level. NSpectator has no dependencies. Feel free to use any assertion library.
A simple http server for using in test projects which test .net core based projects. It was tested with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and xUnit.
Write NUnit tests in the Given-When-Then style
Deleporter - Simple Cross Process Stubbing. Facilitates stubbing out dependencies when running automated browser tests against ASP.Net. Use in conjunction with your favorite mocking/IOC frameworks. Deleporter will teleport mock objects (or any arbitrary delegates) into a remote ASP.Net application, ...