Top 20 NuGet ux Packages

Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications (Resource Dictionary only). Light and dark themes for a professional look and feel. Benefits of Grafile Image: Save Design Time; Save maintenance time; Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Reso...
A colorful Android SeekBar for picking color
User inteface styling for HTML entities for TAF test automation framework
A testing suite for testing UX functionality of web apps.
Scrollable view which can be used to give different choices to user with nice UI.
This is a simple Seek Bar, in the shape of a circle, responsive to the speed of the spin: the faster you spin the control, the faster the progress increases.
Android View that displays different content based on its state
Quickest way to show a toast in Android
UI Library for Windows Presentaion Foundation apps.
Expander ui custom control implementation for WPF with using Material Design.
Mobile Nav extends Twitter Bootstrap, the popular Front-end framework. Mobile Nav supports Bootstrap 3 and 4, enables full screen nav display, and maximizes click area in the mobile state, keeping site navigation fat finger free. Installs with SCSS and Less source. Has mixin for nav dropdowns and li...
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CreativeXamlToolkit is a tiny library containing custom controls for WPF & UWP application.
Metro UI CSS allows to create a Web site in the style of Windows 8 quickly and without distractions on routine tasks. This version supports RTL, you need to change @direction variable in variables.less
WebPx Core Library