Top 20 NuGet ui Packages

Tabbed pager for iOS
Selenium Web Driver implementation supporting different browsers and simplified methods for accessing HTML DOM.
Set of wrapper classes that convert common UI controls into page model abstractions.
The best HTML5 applications call for stellar Data Visualization and rocket-fast performance, and nobody else gives you the tools to deliver across every browser, platform and device better than Ignite UI (formerly NetAdvantage for jQuery). Prepare to launch modern UIs that deliver the flair for HTML...
Cross-platform class library for using in GUI-applications based on WPF, UWP or Xamarin Forms.
Common infrastructure for WPF projects
A simple UI framework for the engenious game-engine. This framework is based on monogameui
HashMapper (For Bridge.Net) - HashMapper for Bridge
Simple Data Model with CRUD functionality using EF
Typescript UI framework Sample Application.
Lightweight extension library for UWP UI controls
Models become views; views are passed into templates. (Warning: Interface is likely to change wildly between versions. Use with caution.)
Window/panel display utility library written with roguelike/2D game development in mind, on top of the C# full color console library RLNET.
A .NET Standard 2.0 conforming library of cross platform user interface control code
Library for linking UI components with ConsumeAPI.Simple
This Package is designed and written for open source usage whenever the QA engineer wants to test on any browser that is supported by seleniumHQ libraries.
MonoGame backend for the NuklearSharp