Top 20 NuGet type Packages

Adds the ability to File Layout to sort entities by type name.
Maybe<T> is a simplistic implementation of an option type, much like Optional in Java.
Dynamically create type helpers that use intermediate language to create new instances of a type and get and set properties.
A set of tools for development.
Helpers for type detection and object conversion
Object to hold simple data type.
Analyzer forbidden the default constructor of structs
Get the biggest value of a generic collection
Neo Systems .NET libraries
T4DU is a T4 template that generates discriminated cases for your C# projects.
C++ Compile-Time Type Information.
Provides helper extensions for various base types
Dependency injection based complex type model binder for core 2
Some discriminated unions for C♯ 8.
Provides a set of features making it possible to emulate C++ Variants for dotnet.
Fluent utility helper for argument validation. Follow the WIKI at:
Used for FluidTypes