Top 20 NuGet tree Packages

This is an extremely-fast and easy to use KDTree written entirely in modern C#. This is the fastest and simplest to use KDTree that I have been able to find for .NET. The project has thorough documentation and is open-source. This module is a part of the larger Supercluster project. Tutorials an...
.Net wrapper for the XGBoost machine learning library. Targeted for x64 and supports .Net Framework versions 4.0 and above.
A trie (prefix tree) data structure implementation in C#.
LINQ overloads. SelectRecursive SelectAncestors Add Remove AddRange Concat CrossJoin Distinct DistinctMany Except FirstWithClearException SingleOrDefaultWithClearException SingleWithClearException ForEach IndexOf TryGetIndexOf MinOrDefault MaxOrDefault PeekOrDefault PopOrDefault Product RemoveFirst ...
Package Description
SPA Tools is a set of tools and frameworks to help creating modern web apps. This package contains a Tree widget : - Node Select - Node Rename - Node Add - Node Delete - Drag'n'Drop - ContextMenu
SPA Tools is a set of tools and frameworks to help creating modern web apps. This package contains a Slider widget : - Full knockout compatible
A .NET library for working with a tree of objects.
ImVader is a framework for working with graphs. It provides implementation of common graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and Floyd-Worshell algorithms, topological sort, computing strong components, finding minimum cuts and others.
A simple checkbox with three states made with love
Simple C# (1-n) tree implementation
Features: * Very simple interface. Essentially the interface consists of two methods (with a couple of convenient overloads) on the class XmlExpressionSerializer from the namespace vm.Aspects.ExpressionSerialization: - public static XElement ToXmlElement(Expression expression...
Xamarin Forms BubbleTree Component ·Represent a tree in Xamarin Forms applications ·Efficient searches in multiple tree nodes, from root to leaf ·Fully fluent guided interface configuration
A lightweight query mapping library, QueryMutator provides Queryable, Enumerable and Object extensions for automapping objects and mapping multiple expressions into one. QueryMutator is used to automatically map complex expression trees to object graphs. Used in conjunction with Entity Framework, it...
The mutable wrapper of Microsoft's .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") syntax tree. For simple manipulation of C# files.
Creates an ASCII tree of any structure (visualize a tree using characters only)
Immutable persistent collections, algebraic sum-type aka descriminated union, Ref type and supportive extensions for performant functional programming in C#. Split from the DryIoc:
Simple tools for working with immutable trees, developed at Stack Overflow
CHIMP camera tree meta model