Top 20 NuGet time Packages
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® Xamarin.iOS Picker control and more.
Framework for enabling time-series data processing services including hosted input, action and output adapter implementations.
Provides NodaTime support for the RavenDB Client.
Extensive time period calculations and individual calendar periods.
Specifies types to help with dates and times in an accounting/finance context.
Speedy real time physics simulation library.
The Boerman.FlightAnalysis package contains algorithms to analyze flight movements and extract information like departure time and airfield, arrival time and airfield, total air time and more.
Microsoft.Recognizers.Text.DateTime provides robust recognition and resolution of Date and Time expressed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese,
German, Italian, and Turkish.
This library extracts flight metadata from the position reports of an aircraft such as the times and locations for departures and arrivals.
Parse and display moments in any timezone.
Adds native NodaTime support for EntityFrameworkCore.
Editors contains part-based and masked editors for everything from date/time to currency entry, with unique designs that are specifically crafted to support input by keyboard, mouse, touch, and pen in WPF applications.
Edit box controls support .NET data types input such as dates, times, numbers, b...
A class for representing a unit of time in the form of a number and a suffix indicating the time period. For Example 6s.
Web API for timeseries services and analysis.
This project is a merge of several common DateTime operations on the form of extensions to System.DateTime, including natural date difference text (precise and human rounded), holidays and working days calculations on several culture locales. Feedback will be much appreciated.
Bumps assembly versions, project properties, assembly attributes, according to consumer specified strategies.
Provides NodaTime support for the RavenDB Server.
An F# library for syntactically nice construction of DateTime and TimeSpan objects.
An F# library for syntactically nice construction of DateTime and TimeSpan objects, backed by NodaTime.
Series and Panels for Real-time and Exploratory Analysis of Data Streams