Top 20 NuGet time Packages

Véritable couteau suisse du .net, rlcx Power tools contient une énorme quantité d'outils plus utiles les uns que les autres.
Set of diagnostic tools
Provides NodaTime support for AutoMapper.
A simple package to deal with datetime ranges operations.
Portkit.Time is a library for network time synchronization between computer systems. It supports synchronization over NTP as well as HTTP protocols.
Miscellaneous utilities for working with dates and times.
Mira Time Util
Classe responsável por adicionar novos recursos ao DateTime. - StartOfDay - EndOfDay - FirstDayOfMonth - LastDayOfMonth - FirstDayOfWeek - LastDayOfWeek - EndOfLastDayOfMonth - IsInPeriod - IsOutOfPeriod
Classe responsável por adicionar novos recursos ao DateTime. - StartOfDay - EndOfDay - FirstDayOfMonth - LastDayOfMonth - FirstDayOfWeek - LastDayOfWeek - EndOfLastDayOfMonth - IsInPeriod - IsOutOfPeriod
This package provides code fix for string properties inside model classes, Datetime fix, float/double decimal point restrictions and dictinory variables
Based on Robert Wilczynski's ported version, this is a .NET Standard version of Chronic, an English language date/time parser.
A simple Library (Including nuget package) for Google Maps Time Zone API
Timely (or Timely Extensions) is a small Library that gives you some shortcuts for Dates and TimeSpan. With these you can do stuff like "15.February(1996)" or "16.Minutes() + 20.Seconds()".
This is pretty much the same as CXuesong.Ported.Chronic, but the assemblies are signed.
Neo Systems .NET libraries
Simple jQuery plugin for allowing entry of a timespan in a user-friendly way.
Package Description