Top 20 NuGet text Packages

Cyrillic to Laitin
A c# library that provides the ability to extract text from various document file formats, e.g. pdf, docx, ppt, etc...
.NET Standard extensions: Modules: CsvReader, StringExtensions, TextPattern, see unit tests for examples.
Extension methods to the System.Drawing.Graphics class to allow for drawing text on an image with a custom line height.
A 1 to 1 port of TextFieldParser for .NET Core.
A portable library for .NET for text strings and reading and writing to them.
Formatting for EventSource in-process event data (i.e. OnEventsWrittenEventArgs). Allows transformation and inclusion/exclusion of payload values.
A Unicode and emoji text-processing library for .NET, supporting UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 on .NET Standard
Library to parse and generate OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) Well-known text (WKT) and Well-known binary (WKB) representation of geometry.
Extended functionality for standard IO types.
Library to log text to console
This library writes to a text file with some relevant metadata.
HTML to plaintext conversion library (.NET Standard 2.0).
.NET support
Extensions for text
Boilerplate for using Roslyn within T4 text templates. You can generate code depending on code of current project. See for example.
A "Did You Mean" fuzzy-text-comparison and fuzzy-search library for .NET Core.
This will make textplaceholders fun again. Thanks to
Package Description
The package of Cascade library. It allows to read text files and convert to hierarchical tree format.