Top 20 NuGet text Packages

LIFTI provides a simple API that allows you to build a searchable full text index. This can be useful for document retrieval or simply allowing .NET objects to be searched for by associated text.
The Software Botany Ivy project is a library containing various string utilities. Included in the library are fluent APIs for parsing and creating delimited and fixed width positional text.
Text template system for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 written in C#.
NList brings an enormous number of powerful, STL-like algorithms to the .NET platform for processing indexable collections. There is a handlebars.js-like text generator. It has a powerful IComparer builder. There is a DefaultDictionary class. There is a class to convert an object into a dictionary o...
Library of parsers and combinators to parse text
Transform all ResX files in a project into a strongly typed, compiled assembly. Access your translations directly from inside .cshtml & .aspx files. Bind your translations directly to a ViewModel. Use it again in your dlls to return localized error messages. Pull translations directly into localized...
Yeah, you can access json with dynamic & Json.Net. But why can't we have the old static way? Is there no one miss the happiness of working with intellisense? There must be a easy way. 动态调用RestAPI返回的json, 确实很简单 但是你自己要封装一个SDK给别人,你好意思给人家说明书让人家看着说明书动态调用么? 看着动态调用里面写着...
This API can be used to easily send sms messages using email to over 60 carriers in the United States for free.
TrueTypeSharp is a tiny, entirely .NET-native TrueType font renderer. It is primarily a port of Sean Barrett's excellent C library stb_truetype.
Inquiro is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written for Windows 8 Store Apps and .NET 4.5 applications. It's a technology suitable for nearly any application that requires full-text search. Inquiro includes a powerful search language, and can index any data. Inquir...
Supports using any string as a field delimiter, or row delimiter, quoted fields, and the ability to handle Unicode.
Package description: Moppet.Lapa.dll, Moppet.Lapa.xml
Abstract data notation for creating domain specific data notations.
A non-math based algorithm that uses Base 16 and ASCII codes to encrypt text and bytes. Unicode support and easy to use RSA and AES encryption support. Used in the upcoming PCP (Paranoid Communications Platform) technology.
A directive that will count and limit your text. It works for counting up and counting down.
.NET library for helping create fixed length strings and fields
A TextBlock control for Windows Phone which can highlight parts of the text.
String and text helpers and utilities.
Miscellaneous utilities for working with text.
Human friendly, textual representations of TimeSpan and file size using standard .NET types. It is light-weight, tested and supports PCL.