Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

The purpose of this library is to provide PowerApps customers the ability to facilitate automated UI testing for their projects.
A collection of unit test helpers and random value generators
HTTP API mocking library
HTTP API mocking library
This is a test app for nuget creation
Purpose Built Selenium Test Framework for C#
Set of methods to facilitate waiting a certain amount of time for a delegate to evaluate, while ignoring certain exceptions while attempting to evaluate, and throwing after a specified time limit (or throwing immediately if an unexpected exception is encountered)
AFL-based fuzz testing for .NET
Command line tool for SharpFuzz instrumentation
Testing first nuget
Framework for UI Automation Testing
This is test
A super simple BDD library that doesn't mangle your code, just add Given("..."); When("..."); Then("..."); to your tests. Generate Gherkin .feature files from your unit tests
A flexible and testable validator library for C#.
Unit Testing with Local Functions 🐯 Use the traditional Unit Testing Frameworks to write TDD or BDD tests: ✔️ Arrange / Act / Assert ✔️ Given / When / Then ✔️ Context / Specification
The Assumptions library provides a clean method to make implicit assumptions explicit in C#.
A fluent BDD influenced library for testing API endpoints, influenced by the java project RestAssured.
This project pack SoftHSMv2 v 2.5.0 as nuget package along with minimal code for initialize and destroy SoftHSMv2. It is designed for testing .Net projects, using PKCS#11 devices (e.g. smart cards, HSM, tokens,...), in CI/CD enviroment. See also