Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

Another Test package that doesn't do anything
Assert multiples properties when comparing an object and get the right feedback :-)
A bridge package allowing smooth transition from LightBDD.XUnit to LightBDD.XUnit2. After update to this version, the LightBDD.XUnit package can be removed and LightBDD.XUnit2 should be used since then.
Helps iisexpress.exe automation.
A simple and easy to use load testing framework for .NET
Echoer is a simple command-line utility that can be used to test console redirection and/or output parsing logic. The tool can echo custom text to the `stdout` or `stderr` console stream, exit with a specific exit code, check environment variable values, and simulate a long running process. See ht...
FileTextReplace (ftreplace) is a simple command-line utility initially designed to rewrite C# project's "App.config" and redirect "codebase" references into project's "Debug" folder, but implemented to be more configurable and useful. The tool can copy a source (template) file to the destinati...
Provides helper functions for setting up and tearing down SQL Server database fakes for use in integration testing.
Create a temporary database (localDb/SqlExpress) for testing
Testing SymbolServer and debugging
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.
Core database library used for assisting with integrations tests that connect to databases.
In-memory testing the full SignalR pipline
Automagic Model Factory
SeleniumShim uses implicit retry until timeout loops within calls to FindElement and user actions on IWebElement objects which solves race conditions and problems with 'stale' references to WebElement.
Cornerstone Testing Automation Framework. Provides everything a Cornerstone App developer needs to start creating test automation with Specflow.
What it is
Minimalist and cross platform. Contest, the new testing framework for .NET.
hepsi http client delegating handlers for unit testing.
Toolkit for testing configuration file access and custom configuration sections.