Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

A library to test Asp.Net Core Mvc application forms from request through to (HTML) response.
A small set of utilities that help with unit and integration testing
Beautiful object graph assertions in C#.
HttpLoadTesting http load generator framework
Testify is a unit test assertions, test data creation and contract verification framework. It's not dependent on any specific unit testing framework. Testify.Moq adds mocking support via Moq.
MR.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework6 implementation that uses an int as the primary key for users and roles.
Contains an implementation of DbContext mock that uses in memory collections for the DbSets
Inter application test enabler library
Easy-to-use toolset for building Web UI automation and testing code. It provides an easy way to build Page Objects without needing to know much about Selenium.
Helper classes to test components using Kralizek.Assembla.Connector.
Harness is a .NET library designed to manage the state of one or more Mongo databases during testing.
A library for verifying HTTP calls, mocked with HttpMock
Package Description
The runner of Carna testing and specification framework for Universal Windows Platform application.
Very Simple Dependency Injection
Simple BDD style testing library.
A library to enable deployment of Sql Databases using the DAC framework.
Automatic test subject mocking using Moq.
A Visual Studio test harness for NSpec