Top 20 NuGet test Packages

An API to check if a number is prime using fermat's little theorem
The core framework for unit tests from Springboard 365 Ltd.
Configure your projects to easily integrate behavior tests with Testavior.
Modify test complete project files to apply test case filtering.
This package includes tests to run on the client services platform of Exergy
This test pack contains process tests that will run through Exergy and Exergy Web
Test console Util
Awesome application returning Hello
Adds support for implementing mocks consistently and pass test data to be used in mocks.
Package Description
Application to tell who is busy
Creacion de Paquete de Nugget para pruebas de integracion con Build
This package is now obsolete and has been replaced by the NUnit.Engine package. Provides a common interface for loading, exploring and running NUnit tests in .NET Core and .NET Standard
Test Framework using Xamarin.UITests and PageObject like approach. Used to create E2E tests for iOS and Droid applications.
Testing framework that hosts your Windows Service during test execution
Testing framework that hosts your console application during test execution
NuGet Test
Integration test tools such as LocalDb database creation for integration testing.
Test project for nuget