Top 20 NuGet terminal Packages

yemon-like console/terminal application in .net core
A POSIX-like command line argument parser.
Cross-platform ANSI-based multicolor terminal library
This is a C#(dotnet) library for making your design of CUI tool better.
This is a C#(dotnet) library for making your design of CUI tool better.
Text tools for terminals.
Internal terminal utilities.
Ccr.Terminal package for writing .Net 5.0/.Net Framework 4.8 based terminal applications that write to the console with formatted, colorized output using the ExtendedConsole.XConsole. Variant rewrite of Colorful.Console. terminal session related DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test resou...
Gater is a lightweight framework for creating GAmes that run in the TERminal
.NET wrapper for winpty.
.NET Core 2.0 command line application framework.
Pixie is a C# library that prints beautifully formatted output to the console. You describe your layout using a high-level API and Pixie turns it into neatly-formatted text.
comman line parser
Package Description
Simulador de Emulador de Terminal Mainframe baseado na interface do Microfocus Rumba
Wrapper de Emulador de Terminal Mainframe Microfocus Rumba