Top 20 NuGet templating Packages

T4 text transformation commandline tool. This package is project-installable via `DotNetCliToolReference`. For the dotnet global tool, see `dotnet-t4`. For the app-embeddable engine, see `Mono.TextTemplating`.
A simple/powerful approach for doing client-side templating with Mustache.js and jQuery.
Brightline.js is a JavaScript template engine for people who demand a clean separation (a bright line) between presentation and logic
You've been looking for a more sophisticated templating engine for JavaScript. Here it is. - Rich Powerful language with block inheritance, autoescaping, macros, asynchronous control, and more. Heavily inspired by jinja2 - Fast & Lean High-performant. Small 8K gzipped runtime with precompiled templ...
Antix Blackhole
A format provider for string.format that can use dictionary keys or property names as formats i.e "{0:Username} joined on {0:JoinDate:D}" produces "John Doe joined on Thursday, October 22, 2014"
It’s a super-simple templating function that is fast, caches quickly, and is easy to use. I have a couple
Handlebars for .NET. A work in progress.
Until Microsoft publishes an official package for Visual Studio 2015 TextTemplating (v14). This package provides the build support to allow you to use T4.
PBars offers simple, extensible Handlebars-style templating for the .NET platform. It's main features are: * Lightweight ~100kb library without external dependencies * Simple to use API and template expressions * Nested/external template support * Fine grained line-break control * Extensibility via ...
DD4T Tridion Base Template
UIBuilder is a HTML templating library in the style of Mustache and Handlebars, for Web application development using TypeScript. Unlike Mustache or Handlebars, UIBuilder is strongly typed, which means that many programming mistakes can be caught at compile time.
Render/bind .Net objects into Excel via Templates. Binding can be bi-directional. Manage objects, rows, cells selections. Add decorators, dynamic menus, buttons into your templates...
A standalone library for producing documents of any text-driven format (html, md, csv, etc.) using a powerful and extensible templating engine. Quick Start: 1. use TemplateResolver.Create<YOUR_TYPE>(TEMPLATE) to create your template resolver. Templates use {{PROPERTY_PATH}} for placeholders (can be...
A plugin for DoubleTap.Email to enable razor templates in the email body.
Free, open-source library that helps you transform a given SQL template and a set of conditions into any number of valid SQL statements along with their associated parameters.
A simple templating engine to generate valid C# classes from static text files.
Template framework for well formatted source code generation.