Top 20 NuGet templates Packages

Harness razor templates for generating strings for file generation this is an alternative to using T4 templates
Templates for creating .NET Core global tools
Library for working with template files and getting their full paths everywhere in the code
ASP.NET Core Web Template Pack for Microsoft Template Engine To install the templates in this package, run 'dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.ProjectTemplates.2.2::2.2.8'.
Template for creating .Net Global Tools, including a solution with src and test folders.
ASP.NET Core Web Template Pack for Microsoft Template Engine To install the templates in this package, run 'dotnet new --install Microsoft.DotNet.Web.ProjectTemplates.3.0::3.0.3'. This package was built from the source code at
Template to use MilNet Services
ASP.NET MVC5 多主题模板解决方案
Code Template Generator
Package Description
NuGet Lib
Templates for Avalonia.FuncUI
Project templates for creating Nunit test project that uses Selenium and Enigmatry.Selenium.Tools NuGet package.
Templates to use when creating an application for Spells stack.
Starter Template for ASP.NET Core and SPA
Templates for creating WPF applications with MahApps.Metro and TinyLittleMvvm.
Template for SharpPad project using .NET Core 3.0.