Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

Auto testing with SpecFlow and Selenium
These are tools for use in writing and testing C# code
A package for API testing using a fluent api.
Unit test stack with Xunit, AutoFixture, NSubstitute and some helpers
Aurelia Testing (aurelia-testing) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Proactive NetStandard testing meta-package.
A WPF implementation of M4Graphs.
A framework intended for visualizing model based tests during runtime.
Provides utility classes simplifying acceptance testing
Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Helpers and extensions for the testing framework.
TestServer helper for Mvc
Recipe to Connect Storyteller to Redux Applications
Library with common classes for creation WebApi integration tests
Proactive AspNetCore testing meta-package.
Simple, yet powerful .NET framework test library with support for BDD.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.