Top 20 NuGet test Packages

An extension to AutoFixture to easily work with MockHttp.
Contributions to the Headless Chrome .NET API 🌐🧪 ✔️ PuppeteerSharp.Contrib.PageObjects is a library for writing browser tests using the page object pattern with the Puppeteer Sharp API. ✔️ It provides a convenient way to write readable and robust browser tests in .NET 📄
.Net Standard implementation for proper Selenium Drag and Drop functionality.
An in-memory implementation of Azure Cloud Storage Services useful for testing.
NUnit extension for the objects verification.
.NET Standard Client Libraries for Test Rail Test Case Management.
Provides extensions to xunit for unit testing Patterns
GitHub logger extensions for Visual Studio Test Platform.
Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Yet another WebApi tester is a .Net standard 2.1 assembly that can be used with test frameworks like NUnit to run tests against a web api.
Package Description
Package Description
Integration testing tools for projects
Integration testing tools for api projects