Top 20 NuGet test Packages

Implementation for automated testing using Xunit
Technical test library for the sensenet platform containing hosting-related classes.
A fluent API for .Net Standard that can enforce architectural rules in unit tests.
Support Okapi, providing text report formatter
Support Okapi, providing text logging
Functions to add integers, doubles and floats. This are used by the TestProject.
Utilities for unit testing Asp and Asp.Mvc views and routes.
This library is designed to simplify testing applications created using the library MvvmFrame.Wpf
A fluent assertions library that performs full coverage on enumerable types.
In memory docker container runner for NinjaTools.FluentMockServer
Forked from simplytest/extentreports-csharp. Replaced RazorEngine.NetCore with RazorEngine.NetCore-LinuxDockerFix
A shim to turn a class library containing NUnit fixtures into a console app which can self-run tests
.NET library to mock object properties with attributes
Extensions for VisualStudio UnitTest's Assert class to simplify e.g. testing of view models.
Tool for generating data testing with xunit extensions.
Adds support for running NUnit 3 unit tests on Xamarin Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS - Windows 10 Universal Apps
NmpDataCollector is a unit test data collector that can be used to collect .NET Memory Profiler data, retrieve memory usage information, and perform memory assertions within the unit test. Add this data collector to the .runsettings file to run the unit tests under the .NET Memory Profiler tool...
TyrannosaurusTrx is a dotnet tool fork of the TRX_Merger tool. It allows you to combine multiple TRX files in a single TRX file containing all the information from the TRX files passed to it and also to generate an html report from the TRX.