Top 20 NuGet template Packages

Simple Razor template rendering engine designed to be very simple and lightweight with minimal dependencies. Ideal for non-MVC environments where you just want to render a Razor template without any fuss.
Creates email messages from localized files or text strings using a Razor templating engine.
Simple service to apply templates for backbone loaded via requirejs and textjs.
A helper class with console arguments parsing, log initialization, configuration file loading. Uses NLog for logging.
You can process an template with an context object.
O template de Enterprise Library Data Access apresenta de forma estruturada para os aplicativos, utilizando o método SOLID, que visa simplificar o desenvolvimento de tarefas que implementam a funcionalidade de acesso a banco de dados. Já com os templates estruturados os aplicativos podem usar esta ...
Msbuild task for Syntax checking against "Templator"'s text template
A simple .NET HTTP and REST client for making API calls using a fluent syntax.
The template of windows service application.
The template of Asp.Net Web Api console application.
Library for embedding JSRazor into MVC
Simple templates for .Net
Generic template for implementing Singleton Design Pattern.
Template engine for generating Word docx documents on the server-side with a human-created Word templates, based on content controls Word feature.
NET Portable Class Library implementation of Mustache logic-less templates
Handy Network for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
Handy Secret Service for WinRT. Part of Template 10, a Library of Helpers for UWP.
CIL compiled templates library (Cecil target)