Top 20 NuGet stream Packages

Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics
Stream interface implemented on top of System.Net.WebSockets
Utilitary library of honjo-net framework. Contains several utilitaries and helpers, namely streams and pseudo enums.
Contains streams working with data that stored by parts (for example file parts table in database). Just need to implement IDbPartialReader and IDbPartialWriter.
Xamarin.Android C# binding for TorrentStream-Android
Package Description
Bind command as stream.
Provides helper classes for Bitwise IO
Read frames from a rtsp video stream or from a video file
Connect to and consume data from the Betfair Streaming API.
Various utility functions for working with I/O.
A simple library for normalizing the orientation of images with Exif orientation property data. Normalizes the orientation of images from System.Drawing and images represented by streams.
A collection of helper methods for working with streams and file I/O.
A 2D graphical applications development framework.
The libraries for using the Microsoft SQL Server implementation of Sql Stream Store.
Stream wrapper which allows reading one bit at time
The libraries for using the MySql implementation of Sql Stream Store.
This package is based on project and is written by Kevin Dockx.