Top 20 NuGet storage Packages

Library for integrating Sia Skynet into your applications
Azure Storage implementation of TTG Storage
TTG Storage Interfaces and Abstract Implementation
Repository implemetation MongoDB
D.C3: Distributed .NET Cloud-based Configuration Client. Use D.C3 to access an Azure Storage-based application configuration repository. Also accesses App.Config or Web.Config-based configuration objects for the Dev environment. Sample code: var configObject = (new AppConfigurationProvider()).Get...
!!! Note that this package will no longer be updated with the package name 'wastorage.v120' after version 4.0.0. The package is renamed to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.CPP.v120' !!! The new package can be found in: This clie...
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and contains features for integrating with Azure Table Storage. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
This client library enables working with the Windows Azure storage services which include the blob service for storing binary and text data, the table service for storing structured non-relational data, and the queue service for storing messages that may be accessed by a client. For this release se...
This table extension library provides support for strong entity types (POCOs), generic queries, reflection based serialization and the EntityResolver for languages other than JavaScript when developing Windows Store Apps. For this release see notes -
Cake Addin for working with Azure Storage.
Helpers to assist with Windows Azure Queue integration and unit testing.
In Visual Studio, create new Console Application project and add this package. In the Program.Main() call Demo.Run() from NYurik.TimeSeriesDb.Samples namespace.
A webpage to check the structure and contents of your indexeddb database. The only thing you need to do is adding a div with the id "indexedDBViewer", provide the name of the database in the data-dbName attribute on the div. For this it uses the linq2indexeddb framework.
Obsolete classes of the NYurik.TimeSeriesDb package
Task Parallel Library (TPL) extension methods for Windows Azure Storage Client library
Windows Azure Web Sites offers customers limited disk quota for shared-instance sites. Log files for each site are stored in the site's folder, so they count against the allowed disk quota. This utlity exposes a URL via an IHttpHandler implementation. When hit, the code for this handler zips up all ...
.NET Framework data provder intended to allow developers to write ADO.NET code against Windows Azure Table Storage.
Nupload makes it easy to support signed object downloads and asynchronous CORS-enabled form uploads to and from Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage
An extension to the .NET SDK for Windows Azure Storage which adds a triple store abstraction over Table Storage.