Top 20 NuGet standard Packages

Implements a simple facade to store data into a OpenTSDB database
Parallel Task Queue Reactive Extensions - .NET Standard Library Simple way to process tasks in parallel queues
CSV line split .NET Standard 1.0 Library
Flux Standard Action (flux-standard-action) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
[codingfreaks] .NET Standard utility library
.NET Core ILogger Provider for Azure EventHubs
Base package for Notifications. Use it only for creating your own notifications systems based on this package.
Culture-invariant fluent checksum builder
A C# util library support .NET Framework2.0+ .NET Core2.0 .NET Standard2.0 and Xamarin.
Protobuf Serializer for Xeeny, A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
Json Serializer for Xeeny. A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable
Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności (PESEL). Projekt udostępniający walidację oraz generowanie numerów PESEL.
This package, built on top of the original Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), makes extremely easy to authenticate users inside your Xamarin projects. You only need 1 line of code!
Transport base classes for Xeeny, A framework for building and consuming services on devices and servers that support .net standard. It is Cross Platform, Duplex, Multiple Transports, Asynchronous, Typed Proxies, Configurable, and Extendable