Top 20 NuGet speed Packages

A modeling of units of measures that does automatic conversion between units for any modeled quantity using Float64 values.
Include extension methods for Combres to integrate more nicer with ASP.NET MVC applications.
Object model for geospatial calculations and transformations.
Combres is a .NET library which minifies, compresses, combines, and caches JavaScript and CSS resources of ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC web applications. This package contains the Log4Net adapter for Combres.
Nido Framework is developed on top of MS .NET entity framework, and also heavily influenced by the code first technique. The framework provides a standard method of coding your business logic layer as well as data access layer. That allows you to have much predictable, standard, and best performing ...
This project was designed to add new functionality to LuckyAssetManager. In LuckyAssetManagerContrib implemented 2 custom processor: SelectPathProcessor (processor for choosing pre-minified assets with file extensions *.min.js and *.min.css in release mode) and FinalProcessor (responsible for replac...
An API for combining, minifying, compressing, and caching CSS and JavaScript for .NET websites.
As of Cruncher This package becomes obsolete. Cruncher makes optimising your resources easy. It can bundle unlimited combinations of remote and local CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, and CoffeeScript files. Combining them, minifying them and caching them in the browser, Cruncher ca...
uScoober Driver: Motors.BrushlessSpeedController
An extensive measurement, unit, and data conversion library for .NET. var twoFeet = new Measurement(2, Units.Length.Feet); var twelveInches = new Measurement(12, Units.Length.Inches); var result = twoFeet + twelveInches; Console.WriteLine(result.GetValueAs(Units.Length.Yards)...
Service worker and Web App Manifest support for ASP.NET Core projects that provides offline support as well as client-side caching.
Integrates Cybtans binary serializer with Refit
Integrates Cybtans binary serializer with aspnet core
A lightweight library for benchmarking performance of your .NET applications. BenchShark provides a powerful and easy to use API to evaluate the speed of your functions in order to track down the bottlenecks within your code.
Benchmark .NET source code to compare which is more efficient.
High performance database access library. Use the Speed application to generate data classes:
Use the interop implementation of the virtual dom for creating VSTO addins.
Provides a set of common classes to do simple and approximate benchmarks.