Top 20 NuGet span Packages

System.Memory.dll 扩展。 增加一个新的BufferPool。 增加一些Span流转换常用类型。
An optimized string data structure built from Memory<char> and Span<char> to reduce GC.
Utilities to read/write primitives from/to spans easily
Generic fixed size buffers.
Stack only json deserialization using generators and System.Text.Json library
High-performance hexadecimal converter
High-performance formatters for ListPool.
High-performance converters for ListPool.
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
The Guidelines Support Library (GSL) contains functions and types that are suggested for use by the C++ Core Guidelines maintained by the Standard C++ Foundation.
This library rapped some platform span class Android: SpannableStringBuilder(to ICharSequence iOS: NSMutableAttributedString(to NSAttributedString UWP: List of Inline Windows Phone 8: List of Inline Windows Phone 8.1: List of Inline Windows 8.1: List of Inline
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
High performance .NET Core utility classes
SpanDeconstructors is a source package which allows you to use C# 7 deconstruction syntax to deconstruct array or span into variables: Span<int> span = <...>; var (a,b) = span;
Extremely fast MurmurHash implementation with zero heap allocations
ListPool and ValueListPool are optimized allocation free implementations of IList using ArrayPool. Changelog: * Improve dispose performance ListPool is the general use of the implementation, we recommend to use ListPool for most of the cases. ValueListPool is the zero heap alloca...
Span extensions to increase perf while keeping the same productivity.