Top 20 NuGet sourcing Packages

Light weight .Net event sourcing library
This library is used to build event sourced components applying event sourcing design pattern. It defines Command and Event, interfaces like IHandle to handle commands and AggregateBase to build domain specific aggregates.
Event Sourcing
EventWay.Core is the core functionality of the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure is the base infrastructure for the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.CosmosDb is the CosmosDB implementation of the Query Model Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.MsSql is the MS SQL Server implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Query is the query functionality of the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventStore target
A simple framewrok for finding differences between the two entites.
An event store for the Windows Azure Table Storage Service.
Event sourcing server side synchronisation between machines / mobile devices
Projac.Sql provides lightweight infrastructure for authoring SQL projections.
EventWay.Infrastructure.Sqlite is an Sqlite implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.Redis is a Redis implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.InMemory is an in-memory implementation of the Event and Projection Metadata Repository in the the modular Event Sourcing + CQRS framework, EventWay.
EventWay.Infrastructure.ApplicationInsights tracks all events of the aggreate by Azure Application Insights
An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system. Supports Event and Snapshot storage providers like EventStore/Redis or SQL Server. Built with dependency injection in mind and seamlessly integrates with AspNetCore.
Simple bus implementation in .NET for messaging with no dependencies, if you are using aspnet core use LightBus.Microsoft.DependencyInjection to register the handlers automatic