Top 20 NuGet socket Packages

Horse TCP Socket Server
Protobuf Proto3 codec for DotNetty
ProtocolBuffers Proto2 codec for DotNetty
UDP Socket implementation for NZSmartie.CoAPNet
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of the NoiseSocket Protocol (revision 2 of the spec)
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". Common wire format codecs DotNetty.
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". Mqtt codec support for DotNetty.
DEPRECATED: use package without "-signed". TLS and other handler support DotNetty.
A C# TCP client used to connect to UniversalServer
This is a SAEA. Sockets-based RPC component, portable and efficient, far superior performance to similar products, easy to use, a few lines of code can be implemented. 这是一个基于SAEA.Sockets的rpc组件,轻便高效,性能远超同类产品,简单易用,几行代码就能实现
MQTT Server and Client Based on SAEA.Socket.SAEA.MQTT基于SAEA.Socket实现的MQTT服务器与客户端
Saea.ftp is a simple component including ftpserver and ftpclient. SAEA.FTP 是个包含FtpServer和FtpClient的简易组件
Saea.dns is a lightweight component based on saea.socket, including dnsserver and dnsclient. SAEA.DNS 是基于SAEA.Socket的轻量级的包含DnsServer和DnsClient的轻量快捷组件
IQFeed.CSharpApiClient is fastest and the most well-designed C# DTN IQFeed socket API connector available to the open source community!
The easiest and fastest way to work with sockets in C#
Libuv transport model.
Protobuf Proto3 codec.
Tool.Net-逆血著作 (本产品完全免费), 由逆血本人持有:联系方式-QQ群:857401501, 有任何优化建议,请联系作者,作者很愿意讨论和学习。 Email:[email protected]
SuperSocket 1.16버전을 토대로 .NET Core로 포팅한 것. 불 필요한 기능은 제거
NFX CORE Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC BigMemory Cache - sto...