Top 20 NuGet signalr Packages

SignalR Core C# client Blazor compatibility
Common code for all SignalR.UnitTestingSupport.* nugets . If you want support for unit testing signalR core (Hub and IHubContext) use one of this packages (NUnit, xUnit, MsTest version):,
Specification and code generator for SignalR Core.
Implementation of a SignalR backplane with RabbitMq as the backing store.
Tests for users to verify their own implementations of SignalR types This package was built from the source code at
Tools for testing code that uses SignalR
Generate strong typed proxy with client message callback support for SignalR hub services.
This is the shared library for 'Blazor Components' developed by Sumit Mehta. All components starting with the company name 'SumitMehta' will need this package.
A Castle.Windsor dependency resolver implementation for SignalR.
SignalR.Client.TypedHubProxy is a library which extends the SignalR.Client components to enable typed hub proxies.
Adds support for per-request lifetime scopes for SignalR 2.x hubs when using Autofac as your IoC container.
Make SignalR hubs available to any REST client.
Application Insights Telemetry Module for SignalR Performance Counter
Specification and code generator for SignalR Core.
Message Bus infrastructure based on RabbitMQ message broker
Utility library for generating TypeScript hub definitions for a Signalr assembly.
Command line tool for generating TypeScript hub definitions for a Signalr assembly.
A cross platform SignalR WebSocket client library for .NET NetStandard core.
Service Bus v3 messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
Extends the WebApi integration with SignalR support.