Top 20 NuGet signalr Packages

Adds SignalR diagnostics to Glimpse.
Event constraint handler for SignalR.EventAggregatorProxy
.NET client for SignalR Event Aggregator proxy
The Composite component of the Tribe platform.
The Tribe platform, including a sample template.
SignalR scalability using SignalR as backplane. This is the message bus component. Use the Dede.SignalR.Backplane.ServerHub package that contains the central hub.
SignalR scalability using SignalR as backplane. This is the central hub, used by the Dede.SignalR.Backplane package
RabbitMQ backplane for SignalR
ElmahR Api client for extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint (
Extended ElmahR dashboard using a Nancy endpoint to receive errors from anywhere.
AlertScale is a cloud logging and notifications tool, with a web based notifications console. Receive notifications similar to toastr or growl in real-time at (Registration is required to obtain an API key ). You can also setup e-mail or SMS alerts to warn when your application ...
Shared functionality for the .net web stack (Mvc, WebApi, SignalR, Etc) for FlitBit.IoC framework.
A back-port of the SignalR client to .NET 3.5. It relies on the TPL nuget package and some simple shims to bridge the framework gap. Use version 1.1.4 for the SignalR v1.x server. Built from 2.0.0
Provides the reactive programming for SignalR .NET Client.
Provides the reactive programming for SignalR.
Client for accessing a REST API relayed over SignalR
JavaScript files for the CallR.Angular library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
JavaScript files for the CallR library. Visit for an overview and usage examples.
RavenDB messaging backplane for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm.
This is a prerequisite package which is used by NLogToSignalR and Log4NetToSignalR nuget package