Top 20 NuGet sharpdx Packages

SharpDX Direct3D9 integration for Cauldron.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.
SharpDX RawInput integration for Cauldron.
Assembly providing DirectX - DirectInput managed API.
Assembly providing DirectX - X3DAudio managed API.
Assembly providing DirectX - XACT3 managed API.
Assembly providing DirectX - XAPO managed API
SharpDX port of NeoForce Controls
A library for .NET that integrates the SharpDX DirectX wrapper with IceLink.
Assembly providing diagnostic and runtime description for DirectX errors
SharpDX module for Gemini, providing integration for SharpDX/Direct3D content in WPF.
A library for easy initialization of SharpDX device/context on C#/XAML projects. Supports Windows Phone Silverlight, Windows Store and Universal projects.
.Net wrapper for Oculus Rift SDK
An extension library for System.Numerics namespace adding common XNA/MonoGame/SharpDX classes to the namespace.
ILGPU SharpDX library.
SharpDX wrapper. With this library you can make 2D game with ease!
Screeen Capture Library using SharpDX