Top 20 NuGet settings Packages

TSettings is a drop in replacement for the built in Settings class of C# that allows easier to use C# settings that are also able to be encrypted and other things.
Library to manage application settings from different sources.
BackEnd.Configuration integration with Autofac.
A small library for generic settings stored locally on the client pc
A reader implementation
Classes for extending the System.Configuration namespace.
An implementation of ServiceStack IAppSettings interface that uses key/value store as backing storage
A basic configuration model abstraction designed to simplify development by allowing changes in underlying configuration at any time.
Text based configuration files based on key value pairs. Support for: - Singleline values - Multiline values - Here document mode - Literal mode - Events for add and change key
To be set
Tweak is a library that helps you to create strongly typed settings read from different sources e.g. appsettings, json etc.
Interface for settings component
A serializer that supports polymorphism, constructor injection, circular references and linking to external documents.
A tool for binding controls, variables and typed event handlers to custom Settings classes.
light weight application configuration file library
Manages saving and reading files.
Azure role configuration initializer, manage decryption and type convertion of settings public properties
FacTotum is a package that contains many utilities to help UWP developers creating fantastic UWP apps.
Provides up to date application setting values