Top 20 NuGet services Packages

Default implementation for Services
Default implementation for Services
General-purpose C# assistance library. See GitHub for more. Wingman is split into multiple packages. This main library installs all other Wingman packages.
Navi-Tech solutions core services
Doitsu.Ecommerce.Core is a library implement business logic and code first database for a Ecommerce Platform by AspNetCore. It is using Doitsu.Service.Core library as a helper library to implement abstraction.
Facilitate working with graphical user interfaces.
Connectors for using service bindings in your application
Package Description
Package Description
Extension package for XLocalizer.TranslationServices to provide translations using Yandex Translate.
Plato.Dapper deployment package
Plato.Configuration deployment package
Plato.Core deployment package
Plato.WinAPI deployment package
Extension of the Common Contracts implementation of BaseFaults 1.2 for defining commonly used and needed fault contracts in WCF service applciations.
ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic JSON, XML and JSV Service Clients allowing you to call ServiceStack web services from a Silverlight client. This is now a stub that points to ServiceStack.Common NuGet package which now contains the Silverlight client builds.
The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classes for rapid development on the .NET/Mono platform. It has been built with medium to large scale sites in mind, and supports high performance requirements (thousands of concurrent users per server.)
Wraps the entire RESTful API
WP7Contrib services, complete functionality for common tasks such as navigation, location, bing maps rest api wrapper, storage & settings. This assembly is location aware - it makes use of & system.device.location namespaces. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Cont...
Footloose is a fast and scalable asynchronous distributed computing and service library that was designed to be secure, simple to use, unobtrusive and without the need of client side code generation or proxy classes. It was developed to connect or build distributed applications on the .NET/Mo...