Top 20 NuGet servicefabric Packages

Core functionality of CareOtter's Service Fabric utility library.
Provides classes for use with Microsoft Service Fabric. Currently features for Wcf-based services and Gateways. Also includes some helper utilities for creating/removing, starting/stopping Fabric services and applications.
Query support to enable the Data Explorer in Service Fabric Explorer.
Enables dependency injection to be easily used with the Service Fabric Reliable Services model.
Enables dependency injection to be easily used with the Service Fabric Actor model.
Microsoft Azure Management ServiceFabric Library
A HTTP-based gateway for Service Fabric, implemented as an ASP.NET Core middleware.
An implementation of `ICommunicationClient` (part of the Service Fabric SDK) for HTTP. It resolves services and contains the retry logic.
A hosting library for stateless ASP.NET Core-based Service Fabric services.
Minio for Service Fabric is an open source and high performance distributed object storage server with Amazon S3 compatible API
Extensions for sourcing Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration information from Service Fabric.
service fabric serialization provider
Extends PipelineFramework to enable Autofac DI container for pipeline construction and execution
Service Fabric Contribution OwinCommunicationListener Library