Top 20 NuGet serilog Packages

Write structured logging events to a Kafka topic using Serilog in .NET. Git commit hash: 56746a2
A portable version of Serilog.Sinks.Seq that can be used in Windows Phone and Xamarin iOS/Android mobile apps. NOTE: This version is a temporary fork that allows custom HttpClient creation.
Serilog Integration for EntityFramework.
Logs your DbConnection activity to Serilog.
Native support for destructuring F# types when logging to Serilog.
Serilog Sinks for Fluentd
The Splunk UDP Sink for Serilog
Delegate support for Serilog configuration providers.
A Serilog sink that writes events to Excel-DNA LogDisplay.
Extends Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to add support for Serilog Console and File. This library uses up to date Serilog packages and provides a official release for console and file logging sinks
A Serilog Enricher with properties from Excel-DNA
Serilog sinks for Nodinite
A set of common extensions and helpers we use when using Serilog
Serilog integration for Galaxy
Serilog http sink for logstash. Also there is a ECS enricher that converts all properties of LogEvent to elasticseach ecs schema before send to logstash. For more information please reffer to GitHub Repository.
Sink for Serilog that reports caught exceptions to Blunder
A simple implementation of a destructurer for Mongo exceptions.