Top 20 NuGet serialize Packages

YAXLib is an XML Serialization library which allows the programmer to structure freely the XML result, choose the fields to serialize (public, non-public properties, or member variables), serialize all known generic and non-generic collections, serialize different kinds of...
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Map binary streams into C# objects for read and write
The wrappers and extensions methods for System.Text.Json
Convert / deserialize JSON or XML to dynamic. Convert / serialize dynamic to JSON or XML.
Extender for StackExchange.Redis
XmlSerializerHelper serializes and deserializes any .Net object from/to XML.
Serialize Javascript (serialize-javascript) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Collection of utility classes migrated to NET Standard 2.0 from BOG.Framework
The wrappers and extensions methods for Jil
The wrappers and extensions methods base by Json.NET
The wrappers and extensions methods for Utf8Json
The wrappers and extensions methods for BinaryFormatter
The wrappers and extensions methods for MsgPack.Cli
Get, add, edit, delete operations for different file types.
Adds System.Text.Json serializer support for polymorphism with a discriminator attribute.
A small library for converting between Prometheus log string and strong types and back.
ServiceStack.Text JSON serializer support for NodaTime
A tool to create Serializable Expressions. ServicePredicateBuilde is a tool that you can create C# Expressions with it and send it via services and in service side get the expressions easily.
Serialize classes to/from XML. The feature set is optimized for maintaining backwards compatibility of serialized files as the classes evolve, in particular when used for application settings / configuration.