Top 20 NuGet semver Packages

Provides finer control over NuGet package dependencies. Check for details.
Update-Version is a developper tool to update the Visual Studio project versions.
A dotnet tool that automatically versions csproj files semantically with git integration.
Cake extension that enables Cake scripts to obtain SimpleGitVersion information from current Git repository.
A modern Semantic Versioning library
Implements SVersion to handle strict SemVer 2.0 versions (the whole specification is implemented), a CSVersion class that handles all aspects of a CSemVer ( version. This also implements InformationalVersion to help generating and parsing CSemVer standardized InformationalVersionA...
Abstractions for SemVerAnalyzer
Analyse and recommend an appropriate semver update for a package change
Semantic Version Type (SemVer 2.0.0) for .NET Framework
Semver Diff (semver-diff) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Semver binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Provide Semantic versioning using Version Control System history.
Semver Compare (semver-compare) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
OpenTracing implementation.
Implement Semantic Versioning in your projects using this easy to use library. It implements the SemVer 2.0.0 specification
Automatic changelog generation based on SemVer and GitFlow, with support for GitHub links.