Top 20 NuGet security Packages

Simple collection of PKI certificate management primitives for .NET Standard
It provides cryptography and web config security using ProtectedConfigurationProvider/TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling WeiChat authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling QQ authentication.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Baidu authentication.
Generates gramatically correct passphrases that are easy for human to remember and hard for computers to guess. For normal use, reference the "ReadablePassphrase" package. This is just the default dictionary as an embedded resource. See for...
Generates gramatically correct passphrases that are easy for human to remember and hard for computers to guess. This is the Core assembly. For normal use, reference the "ReadablePassphrase" package. See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget ...
Generates gramatically correct passphrases that are easy for human to remember and hard for computers to guess. To get started: MurrayGrant.ReadablePassphrase.Generator.Create() See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget packages.
EntityFramework persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Implementation of the Fortuna CPRNG, with various enhancements. To get started, see the MurrayGrant.Terninger.Random.PooledEntropyCprngGenerator class. Or use the 'Terninger' nuget package. See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget packages.
Active network based entropy sources for Terninger including ping, external http sites and other random sources (via http). See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget packages.
Additional local entropy sources based on .NET Standard 2.0 APIs. Sources are runtime and machine architecture portable. See for PGP & Keybase signatures of nuget packages.
Implementation of the Fortuna CPRNG, with various enhancements. Plus a high speed PRNG, and extensions to safely get random integers, doubles, decimals and booleans. To get started, see the MurrayGrant.Terninger.RandomGenerator class. See for PGP & Keybase si...
A useful service class that provides functionality for generating and validating JWTs.
Network security and certificate generator library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
Network protocol parsing library for the CANAPE.Core network library.
Package makes integrating JWT Bearer Token Security to your ASP .NET Core app a breeze!! Azure Active Directory, Google, Facebook, Twitter auth integration. Also, Swagger UI integration!
CA DeviceDNA is a unique approach to identifying and classifying any device that attempts to access a protected web page
TagHelpers for SRI, reffers, OpenGraph and Twitter
Suplex.Security is an application security and RBAC abstraction Layer. Implments hierarchical DACL model and common RBAC model. Suitable for use in any application/API. ActiveDirectory utilities contain lookup helpers for AD/AAD.