Top 20 NuGet sqlite Packages

Local SQLite database generated via Entity Framework 6 from code (code first). Provides custom support for database migrations based on schema versioning as described by Inne Hoekstra: Adds a few sample files to your project...
A SQLitePCL.raw plugin can be used to instruct SQLitePCL.raw to reference a different implementation of the native SQLite library than it normally would use. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_esqlite3());
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of SQLCipher (see sqlcipher/sqlcipher on GitHub) for use with SQLitePCLRaw. Note that these sqlcipher builds are unofficial and unsupported. For official sqlcipher builds, contact Zetetic. To use this package, you need SQLitePCLRaw.core a...
This package contains platform-specific native code builds of SQLCipher (see sqlcipher/sqlcipher on GitHub) for use with SQLitePCLRaw. Note that these sqlcipher builds are unofficial and unsupported. For official sqlcipher builds, contact Zetetic. To use this package, you need SQLitePCLRaw.core a...
SQLite 3 ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library.
An idiomatic bulk insert interface for databases. Allows you to bulk insert arbitrary types to an underlying database using a fast insert mechanism specific for that database. Currently supports SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. Works on the IDbConnection with extension methods, like Dapper.
Package contains SQLite provider for Kaliko CMS - an open-source content management system. You'll find information on how to get started over at:
SQLite utilities to support integration testing Atlas.Persistence
Small and simple to use and understand. Full object hierarchy CRUD support. Saves all object properties and the relationships to related tables. Also supports collection properties. Allows developers to write sql as needed for reads. The design just maps the results to the objects. Writes are tightl...
MySQL and SQLite Database data entity mapping interface for VisualBasic
Conjunto de soluções para ajudar no desenvolvimento de projetos.
ORM for SQLite with data encryption. Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS 1. Just add [CryptoTable("TableName")] attribute to your class definition (Table) and [Encrypted] attribute to properties in your class that you want to be stored in a database file in encrypted...
The package Provides a solution for the UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. It is the core abstractions, interfaces and core classes that can be used for any ORM. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, a...
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure Microsoft SQL/MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSql/Oracle/SQLite/ODBC/OLEDB queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery. This is universal package containing references to all Databasic mod...
MiniProfiler: Profiler storage for SQLite
cloudscribe database setup component for SQLite.