Top 20 NuGet sdk Packages

Paypal REST SDK (paypal-rest-sdk) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Wx JS SDK Dt (wx-js-sdk-dt) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
OdinSoft SDK Library for eTaxBill
SDK for use with the CM Voice API.
BeeInstant .NET SDK is a powerful tool for software/dev-ops engineers to define and publish custom metrics to BeeInstant. By using clean and simple APIs, engineers can track their software performance with counters, timers, and recorders in real-time.
Use the eBay SDK for .NET to simplify common development tasks like logging, error handling, and authentication.
The New Black fork of the Buckaroo SDK.
Core SDK package that contains the basic components and default implementations of ASK SDK for .Net Core.
ASP.NET Core Middleware package that contains middleware components for ASK SDK and ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core aliyun sms sdk.
Alibaba Cloud SDK Mail Service for C#
A NEO blockchain development toolkit that does not rely on block synchronization, including transaction construction, address translation, signature, etc.
A NNS development toolkit
Wrapper API SDK
A simple, yet customisable, .NET standard client for interacting with Mailjet
A library to validate Relativity Short Message Format files against the specification.
A community built SDK for Typeform's APIs
Invisible Collector is an online debt collections system that helps companies get paid faster. InvisibleCollectorLib is a .NET library to communicate with it's public API.
.Net Core library for Ghasedak SMS Provider