Top 20 NuGet rx Packages

RxHeat.Wpf is a library that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with WPF helper features. The project comprises a collection of tested features. It includes: - Wpf Helpers --- ObservableCollection async loader --- Scheduler Helper
RxHeat.Tibco7 is a library that complements the Reactive Extensions Library with Tibco Rendezvou 7.x helper features. - Easily subscribe to topics - Snap and update RvCache subjects
EasyNetQ.Rx is an extension for enabling reactive subscriptions on EasyNetQ
Monitoring extension for Obvs, using Windows Performance Counters.
Monitoring extension for Obvs, using Elastic.
Reactive Web Streams allows you to create controllers returning and consuming Rx observables, operating over WebSockets.
Qactive queryable observable providers infrastructure.
Qactive TCP provider for client and server.
Qactive base streaming implementation provider and protocol for client and server.
Cross Platform Reactive Bluetooth LE Plugin for Xamarin Supported Platforms Android 4.3+ iOS 7+ Windows UWP tvOS macOS
A Reactive Property for use in cross platform applications based on ReactiveUI
Sharpy.Builder with RX.
Setting up an Azure Relay Hybrid Connection have never been easier
Rx binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
OLinq is a project to provide a Linq Queryable provider implementation for operating on ObservableCollections or other INotifyCollectionChanged supporting lists. The output of OLinq is an ObservableView which notifies when the results of the query have changed.
Extension methods: Flux and Mono, Schedulers and other tools.
Provides the implementation of a reactive extensions event stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Reactive.EventStream.Implementation